Ok! I will always maintain my opinion about
parenting. I honestly think my life is good in a way, see I have a lovely
boyfriend, I have my parents that even though they are kind a pain in the ass (Hey
I love my parents, I wouldn’t love them if I don’t say they are not
a pain in the ass!) I mean come on! I have my siblings that live somewhere else
and of course I have a house a place to sleep, in all I CAN’T complain!
But I really don’t like people who tries to change my opinion. Why
everybody tries to change my opinion, I mean that’s why are opinions but
why is there always a DUMB ASS! Who always wants to make me change my mind!?
Yesterday I was talking with my nanny, and
she is a cool old woman. Of course I do have kids! I mean, my kids are a cactus
and 2 Guinea pigs, and I was talking with couple of family members and friends.
So I joked around telling them that don’t ever think one day I’ll
have kids, the cactus and guinea pigs are the only kids they were going to see
at home. I know I never brought that subject before, so everybody looked at me
like an ALIEN! So the bombing questions begun!
Why you don’t wanna have
Cause I don’t wanna have
a belly for 9 months and I consider kids like a waste of time.
Why is a waste of time?
Because I don’t have
time, nerves and much more things that kids actually requires.
Don’t you think kids are
Yes, I do consider SOME kids cute. But that’s all, but hey don’t
you see when they poop??? ENOUGH WORK CLEANING MY ASS!!!! That is not cute!
If you have everything why not
having kids?
Because I’m fine having
what I have! And kids as I told before, are a waste of nerves, anger and much
other things!
Why do you think kids are
I don’t consider kids
stupid, but I consider them cool….when they hurt themselves!
You used to be a kid why you
would not like to have a kid?
Enough of what I gone through
my life, why do I wanna have a kid if the economic situation is not good, the
country where I live doesn’t have a good education and VIOLENCE! Now people
why do we want to bring kids to suffer if there are plenty kids in need of a
So you where a waste of time
for your parents?
Yes! I will say I was a waste
of time for my parents! I mean WE ARE 8!!!! Enough people at home!
What will happen if you husband
wants to have a kid?
Look, first of all we are
getting in a really complicated subject here, but it’s honestly easy…
WHY DO WE HAVE A MOUTH AND A BRAIN!? Isn’t marriage about communication
and love? Didn’t you talked about somethings like how many kids do you
want, with your husband before getting married? I mean, what type of
relationship you had!?
What happen if your husband will
change his mind and wants to have a kid?
AGAIN??? Why does communication
OH! But I love their conclusions.
You know that science has proven that women
are happier when they have kids!? I think you will be a bitter woman. You have
to have kids. Because that’s the ONLY way to prove you are a woman, I
mean everybody will consider you a lesbian or something because you don’t
have kids, and men here don’t like women who are the way you think. Do
you think you will be happy that you don’t have your kids taking care of
you when you get old!? I mean you have to have kids. Why don’t you join
to the normal women standards!? What is so hard to sacrifice yourself for a kid
that you will have on your belly? You must prove you are a woman.
I’ll gladly answer that. I don’t
like society “normality’s”, consider me as much lesbian as
you want, I am not going to have a kid, and it’s so hard to even think of
a sacrifice for one, because I like my life!
Look, maybe this will sound kinda rough,
but I consider that if a woman has to have a kid OK! If she doesn’t OK! And
if she wants to abort it OK! WE ALL HAVE OUR REASONS!!! But you don’t
have the right to obligate a person to change their mind!
PD: Yes, I’m kind of annoyed…..