OK! I will admit this one! I can't believe I already have 3 months with my boyfriend. But hey thats not all. I will have to say I had a really great time in Guatemala having fun with my boyfriend. But thats not all.
Friday May 14th 2010 My day Started some what good. I have transportation from my house to work and from work to home. I dont like to be late at any place and specially at my job. Every 2 weeks I have to make a reservation so I can have transportation, the bad thing was, the guy forgot to pick me up. I arrive 5 min late to work. GREAT! there goes my bonus for this month. I went out from work at noon. But that wasn't all, my dad picked me up from work to drop me to the station, I spoke to my boyfriend one night before going to Guatemala and guess what???? I forgot to ask him for his phone number. When I spoke to him he sounded so convincingly that he was not going to pick me up from the station even though I begged him to pick me up. I arrive to the bus station after passing a big manifestation in the city that delay me a couple of minutes. I arrive and the guy told me. We are not going out at 1 pm as schedule. We are going out at 2. Well not much I could do! But I couldn't notify my boyfriend that I was going to arrive late. After all quarter to 2 the bus arrived and went on the bus and started my trip which I only spend the trip all sleepy cause I like to sleep on a luxury bus. I arrived at almost 8 pm to Guatemala and went down from the bus. I wasn't wearing my glasses so I couldn't see from far. I was searching for my bags when someone grab me from my shoulders and told me Do you need any help my lady!? *IT WAS MY BOYFRIEND!!!!! I couldn't help to jump to his arms and kiss him and hug him. We went to Antigua and to the hotel, we were really tired and went to eat a big home made burger! and went to sleep.
Saturday May 15th 2010
I woke up at 6 am and my BF has a really sensible sleep. I turned around and he woke up. I whispered at his ear HAPPY BIRTHDAY! we spend talking from 6 am to 10 am and I finally decided to give him his present. Yes, one of his favorite shirts. He was happy and we spend the whole walking around on the market of Antigua to buy some souvenirs for his family and friends. After that we went to eat Fondue while we listen to a beautiful concert on the restaurant. We finish eating and we went walking to the park and spend the time talking, then a men approach to us to take us a picture but not a different kind of picture a POLAROID PICTURE!!!! *years of not seeing those polaroid pics* We ended the night on the roof of the hotel we stayed and went to sleep.
Sunday May 16th 2010
We didn't do much, we went to have all you can eat Pancakes for 40 Q! that means in dollars 5 usd all you can eat pancakes with refill of coffee or orange juice. After that we went to the hotel and we realized that our room was small and all the things he has to pack was a lot. So I left him pack as much as he could and I went shopping! After 2 hours I returned to the hotel and he was almost finishing to pack. After that I had a last gift that was a letter that I wrote to him. So I gave it to him and he read it. After that we went to eat some pupusas and went to rest.
Monday May 17th 2010
In my life I have had really sad days and May for me is a sad month. Ill explain later! But I had to drop my boyfriend to the airport. I was really quiet and I honestly didn't want that my boyfriend took that airplane. I wanted him to stay. The worst thing was that I could say a proper good bye I could stay with him until he left and we both cry a little bit. I had to go and he had to go too. I went to the bus station and he left to Miami. *he is not from there* He wrote me when he arrived to Miami.
Wednesday May 19th 2010
I honestly have been sad the whole day. Today my boyfriend departed from Miami to NYC and from NYC to Germany. I received his last email. I hope I will see him again some day and hope that this relationship survive the distance.
I think I will have to share this but when we were eating on the restaurant I tell you there was a very beautiful acoustic version of this video attached.
Hope you like it guys! and sorry I'm not funny today but hey! this writer is in love.
See you next time!