Ok! so I got to have a person who is willing to buy my blackberry. But I had to go to the store where they sale really cool headphones. I'm a music lover and I love so many different types of music. From Rock to Pop to Rancheras (mexican music) to Caribbean music up to so on and so on!
I honestly can't lie in this but I love really good headphones to enjoy really good music. Especially the Chillout Sessions from Ministry of sound! Ok so I bought this Headphones I really wanted long time ago and I have saved for them. I know you might be thinking ok isn't she was talking about how she didn't wanted her BB!? Of course what you don't know is that I can use the headphone with my celphone! JA! so EAT THAT!!! I can hear Quality music now on my celphone apart that the celphone my boyfriend gave me has a perfect sound just like that I can't complain with what I have!
And just because of that I will put some songs I love!