Today I’ve been thinking of you.
I have started this days without you, knowing that you won’t be here in 3 weeks.
I feel empty, and specially I have missed you badly.
Is this is the way it supposed to feel?
I miss kissing you, and admire you beautiful eyes.
I miss your smell and your hugs.
But what I really miss more is your thoughts.
In this couple of days I’ve been returning to the reality, this reality I hate.
This empty routine, that the day I meet you, you change it all.
I’ve been feeling scared, with no control or power to say how the things will turn out.
I feel every morning when I wake up, that something is missing
But when I’m with you I don’t feel that missing part
Is this is the way love feels?
I’ve said many times I won’t cry if I miss someone or if I lose it.
But I’ve cried for you because I miss you
I’ve cried for you because I’m scared of losing you
I’ve cried for you because I don’t want to let you go
I’ve cried because we said a see you later.
This is the way that love feels.